Counting the Omer

April 27, 2016

For those who are unaware of the purpose of counting the omer, consider this. If a child had a special event coming up in 30 days, he might start counting in anticipation, saying that it’s Day 1 until the visit to Disneyland, Day 2 until the visit to Disneyland, etc. Back in the Exodus story, the Israelites were told to count 50 days from the day they were delivered by the parting of the Sea of Reeds. On the 50th day, Moses was given the Commandments. In Yeshua’s day, the Jews were counting 50 days from the day of the Resurrection, and on that day they were given the Spirit. Counting the omer is an anticipation of the day when the Spirit was given, to enable us to live out the Commandments.